VIHA Awards
Recommend an individual, company or organization that you know who has had some outstanding accomplishments in the fields of occupational hygiene, public health, safety and environmental health? If so, why not nominate them for one of the VIHA awards? Please see a list with the requirements of the VIHA Awards.

I. List Of Awards:
- Safety Person of the Year
- Concerned Professional Award
- Concerned Company Award
- Concerned Organization Award
- Educational Award
II. Criteria for the VIHA Awards:
Listed below are some criteria used in the selection of individuals, companies and organizations, etc., for the awards of the Vietnamese Industrial Hygiene Association. The support of the VIHA purpose “…to protect people, environment, property and reputation” and the support of the VIHA vision “Promote Workers’ Health Protection” are nominal for all awards.
Safety Person of the Year
Individual working full time in the field of occupational health and safety, hazardous materials management or allied field with national and international experience, etc. Membership in the VIHA is not a requirement. (one award per year)

May be nominated by an individual or organization with an in depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
An individual who has shown above-average support and dedication to the protection of people at work on a national or international basis fulfilling at least three of the following requirements:
- Can document continuous involvement in safety or allied profession for a period of at least 5 years;
- Participated in a significant manner in the safety discipline work in at least three projects nationwide;
- Designed concept, process, or some other notable invention within the safety disciplines;
- Shown a significant support for the promotion of safety education and discipline;
- Other significant accomplishments may be submitted for review.
Concerned Professional Award
An Active Member of the VIHA who has shown above-average skills in design, leadership, and supervision of environmental/occupational safety and health programs, hazardous materials management programs, transportation safety programs, etc. (two awards per year)

Must be nominated by an individual with an in depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments, such as the Company or Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer, Owner, Mayor, a group of co-workers with an approval of the immediate supervisor and company/corporation’s head etc.
A member in good standing with the VIHA who exhibits total dedication and commitment to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through participation and personal involvement in professional safety activities.
VIHA Concerned Company Award

Nominees can be recognized as:
- a company with an excellent safety and occupational hygiene program, safety record, etc., industrial in nature, with programs on off-the-job safety, environmental programs, etc.;
- a company, non-industrial in nature, with an excellent safety or environmental program, safety record, etc. (five awards per year; two if no non-industrial entity is selected)
May be nominated by any company with an in depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Company who is actively (and above-average in) contributing to the protection of people, property and the environment through innovative programs; shows distinctive concern for the well-being of its employees and local community.
VIHA Concerned Organization Award
An Association, Society, Agency, etc., with an above-average support of safety, environmental, etc., movement. (two awards per year)

May be nominated by any individual or organization with an in depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Association, Society, Agency, etc., with an above-average support of safety, environmental, etc., movement; actively (and above average in) contributing to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through innovative programs; with distinctive purpose and goals to enhance the safety awareness.
All application, send