Cuong Tran Profile

Cuong Tran has been qualified in management systems including occupational health, safety, quality and environment since 2001 and held various roles in organization he has worked for such as consultant, trainer, auditor and HSE practitioner in variety of industries including construction, manufacturing and service provider. 

Cuong has a master degree in business administration by the Solvay Business School of Belgium. This insight qualification has supported him to enhance his 10 years of experience in HSE his career. 

With over 15 years of hand-on experience, Cuong will make great contribution to grow WSO Vietnam and to inspire safety career development for his followers.

Social Work

Cuong is also an active player in doing social work in several NPO and NGO.

  • He is the Board of Director of World Safety Organization  (WSO) National Office for Vietnam and
  • He is in a position of Board of Director of  Vietnamese Industrial Hygiene Association (VIHA). VIHA is currently the Organizational Member of Asian of Network Occupational Hygiene (ANOH) and Organizational Member of International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) 
  • Cuong is the Co-Founder for Ho Chi Minh Occupational Safety and Health Association (HOSHA) that serves people working in the fields of occupational health, safety and environmental health.